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The Heckelphone: A Window into the History of Music / Order

Currently, the following editions are available for order. The English editions weighs in at 402 pages, and the German edition at 448. All editions contain pictures, of which 20 are in colour, and 74 notes with thoroughly researched background information.

English Print Edition (hardcover)

best choice for orders from EU countries; available from Bookmundo and local bookstores (who likely will have to order it, ISBN 978-9-4036994-9-3)

English Commonwealth Print Edition (hardcover)

best choice for orders from the US, UK, Canada and other Commonwealth Countries; available from Amazon and local bookstores (who likely will have to order it, ISBN 978-3-9826211-1-1)

English E-Book Edition

available worldwide on Apple Books (ISBN 978-3-9826211-2-8)

Deutsche Druckausgabe (fester Einband)

übersetzt vom Autor; Bestellungen bei Bookmundo, und über den örtlichen Buchhandel (ISBN 978-9-4037354-9-8)

Eine deutsche E-Buch-Ausgabe folgt möglicherweise später.

The Heckelphone: cover