The Heckelphone: A Window into the History of Music / ExcerptsThe following excerpts will give you an idea what this book is about and what it's like. These excerpts are taken from the English hardcover edition. The content of the e-book edition is identical (including pictures), but the formatting differs. Enjoy! ▶ Front matter and Prologue: Basse de Musette (pages iii-vi, 1-6, 15-16, 19) ▶ Chapter 1: Rheingold (pages 21-31, 40-42, 53-54) ▶ Chapter 3: Paa Vidderne (pages 141-151) ▶ Chapter 4: Aeolian (pages 181-192, 197-200) ▶ Chapter 6: The Agony and the Ecstasy (pages 289-295, 314-316, 323-327) ▶ Lists of Persons, Places and Works (pages 359-386) Now available in English and German, in print and on Apple Books. |